New York Commercial Real Estate Values

Inland Southern California Real Estate Market Hottest In Nation

Real Estate Values:
Inland SoCal Market Hotest In Nation

California Real Estate ValuesInland Empire Home Sale Market Shows No Real Sign Of Slow-Down

Christopher Thornberg, the founding partner of Beacon Economics, has an optimistic view of the Inland Empire residential real estate market these days. At a recent "economic summit" in Riverside, Thornberg said he sees no real signs of any market slow-down at present and predicts both rising prices and brisk activity through 2014.

Raphael De Anda, another of Beacon's economists, says the market view from an investment standpoint is also good as appreciiation is at "an all-time high". This good news apparently extends to the entire Southern California real estate market, but the Inland Empiire does have the "affordability advantage".

Inland SoCal Market Hottest In Nation

REAL ESTATE: Inland SoCal market, “hottest” in nation - Press-Enterprise (blog) Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:06:10 GMT

REAL ESTATE: Inland SoCal market, hottest in nation ... Press-Enterprise (blog) At today's Beacon Economics economic forecast conference in Riverside, Rafael De Anda will release a report that says this was not your imagination. Many new homeowners should ...

Rates Since Report May Signal Good Holiday Buying Season

We're finding good news throughout the Southern California real estate market. In residential real estate the market had appeared to slow a bit over the last couple of months and interest rates had begun to rise some. However, from a "technical" standpoint, the market now appears to be firming up again. Values appear as if they might be hitting support, and interest rates are now lower than they were at the beginning of October. These two indicators, factored together, indicate we may be entering a good "Buying Window" for savvy home buyers.

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