New York Commercial Real Estate Values

Seller Tips – 5 Ways to Keep Your Home Sale On Track

Seller Tips:
5 Ways To Keep Your Home Sale On Track

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How appraisals are derailing sales

In the past, appraisals rarely disrupted a home sale. But realtors and housing experts say new requirements and a difficult housing market are doing just that. AnnaMaria Andriotis has details.

Seller Tips From Amy Hoak Of MarketWatch

Here are 5 things you, as a Seller, can do to keep your home sale on track. This is a difficult time to get things closed, as any Realtor will tell you. Resistance and "Super-Caution" by lenders, banks, and appraisers are welcomed in some respects, but can cause serious difficulties when it comes time to close. A "pro-active" seller can do a lot to avoid and remedy escrow problems.

5 ways to keep your home sale on track - Amy Hoak's Home Economics ...

"Real-estate agents will tell you that low appraisals have killed many transactions in recent years. Many agents say appraisers — who are hired by lenders to assess the value of the home — are overly conservative in their valuations these days ..."

Seller Tips: Don't Just Sit By And Watch

This is the mistake that most Sellers make. Sure, you are working with a well qualified Realtor, a good lender and well-respected service providers, but the simple act of being involved can help keep all these professionals focussed and alert ... and can be of huge benefit in the long run.

Home Seller Tips.

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