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Commercial Real Estate: Southland Office Space Market May Be Bouncing Back

Commercial Real Estate:
Southland Office Space Market May Be Bouncing Back

Commercial Real Estate | Costa Real Estate Digest | Brion Costa

Area Office Space Leasing May Have Bottomed Out Showing Good Signs For Commercial Real Estate

The figures don't lie and they are encouraging for the first time in years. Office space leasing figures have risen just a tad over the last few months. That's completely different than the last few years, and may be signaling bottoming action in the commercial real estate market.

Here's the low-down from Roger Vincent in the LA Times:

Southland office market may be starting to bounce back

ROGER VINCENT - "It's times like this when people who have to make leasing commitments say, 'I may not find this in the next cycle,' so they take advantage," said John Barganski, Brookfield's head of leasing in Southern California. "We have achieved the bottom of the market." ...Los Angeles Times,0,6976766.story

Commercial Real Estate Still Depends On The Job Market

Although the news here is good, it's still true that the commercial real estate market ... including commercial office space leasing ... really depends on the job market. We may be seeing some bottoming action here, but we're a long way from steady growth. Until the job market improves, that's something we're not likely to see.

Commercial Real Estate.

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