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Starwood Capital CEO Sternlicht Says US Commercial Real Estate “Solid & Healthy”

Starwood Capital CEO Sternlicht
Says US Commercial Real Estate
"Solid & Healthy"

Commercial Real Estate | Costa Real Estate Digest | Barry Sternlicht
Barry Sternlicht speaks at a conference in April.
(Photo: Reuters)
Multi-Unit Housing & Hotels Drive Commercial Real Estate As Americans Rent Instead Of Buying

Here's a report from the International Business Times in which Barry Sternlicht, CEO of Starwood Capital Group talks candidly about the state of the US commercial real estate market. 

Commercial real estate is not only office and retail space. Many people hear the term and think only of those types of properties. That's hardly the entire picture. Multi-unit housing ... including fee simple, rental, and lease forms ... makes up a huge portion of the market.

According to Sternlicht, it's currently this part of the commercial real estate market that is driving things right now. It's his contention that as American consumers in larger and larger numbers decide to rent rather than own, multi-unit housing is growing as a market and currently driving the commercial real estate market.

Here's the interview:

US Commercial Real Estate Is 'Solid And Healthy': Barry Sternlicht

ROLAND LI - "Barry Sternlicht, the chairman and CEO of Starwood Capital Group LLC and the architect of hotel brands including the W, believes the U.S. commercial real-estate market has rebounded as investors seek assets that generate returns" ...International Business Times"

Commercial Real Estate Could Be A Very Smart Investment

What Sternlicht is saying is not new to these pages. We've highlighted several articles and sources recently that have singled out the multi-housing portion of the commercial real estate market as being the driver of the current healthy condition. Those of you reading this who may be looking for investment with steady return might be wise to take a look at commercial real estate ... especially the muti-housing sector. It might prove to be wiser and more reliable than other investments at this time.

Commercial Real Estate.

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