New York Commercial Real Estate Values

Real Estate Values: Home Values Rise For First Time In 5 Years

Real Estate Values:
Home Values Rise For First Time
In 5 Years

Real Estate Values | Costa Real Estate Digest | Brion Costa
Photo: Justin Sullivan

Zillow Reports Real Estate Values Up As Home Values Rose 0.2% During 2nd Quarter

Although we need to keep a clear perspective when talking of real estate values these days, Zillow's report is good news today. They are reporting that home values nationwide have risen on the average over last year at this time.

Here's a report from Les Christie at CNNMoney: 

Home Values Rise For First Time In 5 Years

LES CHRISTIE - "It seems clear that the country has hit a bottom in home values," said Zillow's chief economist Stan Humphries. "The housing recovery is holding together despite lower-than-expected job growth, indicating that it has some organic strength of its own." ... CNNMoney


Real Estate Values: Home Values Rose
Despite Lackluster Jobs Market

This is a good indication. Real estate values can be hugely effected by the job market, and the fact that home values have risen IN SPITE of the lackluster jobs market and figures indicates that the real estate sector growth has some legs of its own.

Real Estate Values.

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