New York Commercial Real Estate Values

Commercial Real Estate: Small Shopping Centers Are Good Investments Right Now

Commercial Real Estate:
Small Shopping Centers Are Good Investments Right Now

Commercial Real Estate | Costa Real Estate Digest | Orange County
Town Center Plaza Was Recently Sold To An Investor
(Photo: OC Register)

Orange County Commercial Real Estate Broker Outlines Good Area Investments

With lending rates low for qualified buyers, and property values down because of the sluggish market, G. Joseph Lising, an Orange County broker with Marcus & Millichap sees great potential in commercial real estate as an investment.

In this interview from the Orange County Register he outlines which segments of the commercial real estate market are viable investments right now, and why.

Read the interview here:

Broker: Shopping centers a hot investment

Jon Lansner - "Commercial real estate is shaking off its recession-era doldrums and investors are beginning to notice. G. Joseph Lising, broker with Marcus & Millichap in Newport Beach, offer us some insight into how the move is shaping up for investments in retail sites." ... Orange County Register

Orange county Commercial Real Estate As An Investment

It's obvious that commercial real estate in Southern California has seen the bottom of the market and is looking at better days ahead. Orange County is certainly no exception to that. It's a well-known fact that smart investors are buying right now if they can. If you're among that number, a look at commercial real estate in Orange County might be wise.

Commercial Real Estate.

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