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Home Buyer Tips: What You Need To Know In 2016

Home Buyer Tips - "Buying a home is a major commitment. Here are a few important things to consider to make it a worthwhile experience. ..."

Home Buyer Tips:
What You Need To Know In 2016

Home Buyer Tips | | Steve Gaghagen
Make sure you're ready -- financiallly and emotionally -- for owning a home.

Some Advice For Homebuyers Buying A Home In 2016

Are you and your family thinking of taking the plunge this year? Buying a home is a big committment. Next to partnering up in a marriage and the decision to start a family, it's probably the biggest decision we make in our lives. Knowing whether the time is right or not, and knowing the things to do to make sure your decision is the right one and that your purchase is a pleasant and positive experience is essential. Too many folks just start driving around looking at signs ... without doing the research and preparation necessary to be as informed as they should be in today's real estate market. Do you know exactly where, in your preferred area, you might get the most "bang for your buck"? Are you aware of what areas are considered "overpriced for the market" and which might be a better buy because they are currently priced loower than what the market would bear? Do you know which amenities are available in your price range and which will move a home out of your range? Do you even know what kind of down payment or monthly payment is reasonable in your financial situation? All of these things ... and much, much more ... should be looked into and understood by a Home Buyer before even looking at prospective homes. The most valuable piece of advice I could give to anyone considering buying a home in 2016 is to Be Prepared. Find a good "counselor" and learn what you need to know first. Then do your research and get your ducks in a row before you start to do all the legwork and shopping around. You can't compare properties when you don't know what your "yardstick" should look like. Be clear on that before you begin. Here's a concise and informative article that will give you a head start on learning what to know when buying a house. It's by Jason Hall of The Motley Fool, and it just appeared there.  In it, Jason lists some thing you should have on your list of things to know and do before you start looking, with a special eye to things you should be concerned about from an investment standpoint.

Buying A Home In 2016? Here's What You Need To Know | The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool
"In the digital age, we have access to an abundance of information – too much information, in fact. And with the advent of social media and online social networks, we now have some of the most powerful tools of publishing at our disposal for delivering information and insight to our audience – our clients and prospects and partners and peers."
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Advice For Homebuyers: Unless You're An Expert -- Work With A Realtor

The real estate market today ... and the actual process of buying a home ... is complicated and can be a minefield, both legal and emotional. There are just so many important things to know when buying a home! The second most important bit of advice for home buyers I can think of is simple: unless you're an expert, work with a competent Realtor. This should be someone who understands the area you're interested in and has been active there for at least several years. They should be someone you trust and that you're comfortable working with. My advice in this area is simple: Call Brion Costa. He'll have a quick conversation with you and he'll be completely upfront. If he doesn't feel he's the right agent for you, he'll refer you to the perfect person to help you through the entire process. If you consult with Brion before you do anything else, you'll end up working with someone that you know is competent and trustworthy. You'll find all of Brion's numbers on this page. Home Buyer Tips.

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