New York Commercial Real Estate Values

No Winter Break For Pasadena Home Sales

Pasadena Home Sales Show No Winter Break In Activity

Pasadena Home Sales
Pasadena home sales, as well as those in the La Canada-Flintridge area continue briskly through the holidays with prices rising. Read about it here.

Both Pasadena Home Sales and La Canada-Flintridge Are Active Through The Holidays

In a time that is usually a seasonal "slow down" period, Pasadena home sales are not slowing down. Buyers and skipping the break period and continuing to participate in an active market in Pasadena, La Canada-Flintridge and surrounding areas.

Here's an article from Bill Kisliuk that has just appeared in the La Canada Valley Sun:

No winter break for area real estate

"In Pasadena, the average price of a home rose from $726,000 in November 2011 to $894,000 last month. In La Crescenta, the average sales price was $672,000 compared with $550,000 a year ago. ...",0,7212767.story



Pasadena Home Sales - We Are Seeing A Seller's Market

It seems that, with inventory down and interest rates low, there is a lot of Buyer interest in the market. Pasadena home sales, as well as surrounding areas, show that Sellers are in the drivers seat right now. As long as a home is priced at or just below market, there will be a lot of interest.

Pasadena Home Sales.

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